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Information for Injured Workers/Required Forms

History Form Questionnaires

Along with your appointment letter, you will have received a history questionnaire.  This document must be completed and returned to the office prior to your appointment.  All questions on the history form must be thoroughly completed for all dates of injury and body parts injured which are a part of your current Worker’s Compensation claim.

Please  return this history form to the office 2-3 weeks before the appointment.

Mail:       Main office address listed above. 

Fax:        916-777-2072


(Please bring the original completed history form with you to the appointment.)


*If seen previously, please update the enclosed history form to represent your current condition and treatment since last seen, include all sections regarding your current physical condition and limitations.*


If you need assistance to complete this form or if an interpreter is required, please ask a family member or friend to assist in filling this out in English or contact your Adjuster or Attorney for assistance. This completed form must be received in office 2-3 weeks before the appointment.


Junto con su carta de cita, habrá recibido un cuestionario de historial. Este documento debe completarse y devolverse a la oficina antes de su cita. Todas las preguntas en el formulario de historial deben completarse completamente para todas las fechas de lesiones y partes del cuerpo lesionadas que forman parte de su reclamo actual de compensación para trabajadores. Devuelva este formulario a la oficina 2-3 semanas antes de la cita.


Correo: la dirección de nuestra oficina principal indicada anteriormente.

Fax al: 916-777-2072

Correo electrónico a:

Por favor, traiga el formulario de historial completo original con usted a la cita.


*Si lo vio anteriormente, actualice el formulario de historial adjunto para representar su condición actual y tratamiento desde la última vez que lo vio, incluya todas las secciones relacionadas con su condición física actual y limitaciones*


Si necesita ayuda para completar este formulario o si se requiere un intérprete, pídale a un familiar o amigo que le ayude a llenar esto en inglés o póngase en contacto con su Ajustador o Abogado para obtener ayuda. Este formulario completado debe ser recibido en la oficina 2-3 semanas antes de la cita.


Should you have any questions, please feel free to call our office.

Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en llamar a nuestra oficina

History Form Links

Mandatory History Form must be completed and returned to our Main Office 2 weeks before your schedule appointment date.

To download a copy of the history form for your appointment see below to select the corresponding doctor you are scheduled with. 



  • then download a pdf History Form fill out in browser 

  • Save, Print and mail signed copy to MAIN OFFICE or email signed copy to

Fill out History Form in English not Spanish. Por Favor llene el formulario de Historia en Ingles no en Espanol.

Press  icon below to download form

Sloane R. Blair, M.D.

David M. Broderick, M.D.

John J. Caputo, M.D.

David Char, M.D.

David Chang, M.D.

Gerard H. Dericks, M.D.

Carol Fetterman, Ph.D.

Paul Kisilewicz, D.P.M.

Anuruddh K. Misra, M.D.

Robert W. Poston, Ph.D.

Joel A. Weddington, M.D.

If you have any questions regarding the QME process you can contact the Department of Workers' Compensation website or the Information and Assistance Unit at 1-800-736-7401.

All medical records  and correspondence
must be sent to our
Adelberg Associates Medical Group
3111 Fite Circle, Suite 103
Sacramento, CA 95827

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PHONE: 916.362.5112 / FAX:  916.362.6115

​TOLL FREE 800-SAY-AAMG (800-729-2264)
Scheduling Email:

General Email:
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© 2025 Adelberg Associates Medical Group a Division of Sparks Associates Medical Group

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