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Sloane R. Blair, M.D.


Qualifed Medical Examiner

Board Certified - American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery
Qualified Medical Examiner (QME)

Golden Key Academic Honor Society
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society

EDUCATION: Emory University 1982-1983
University of Georgia 1983-1986 B.A. Political Science, Cum Laude,
German, minor
West Virginia University School of Medicine, MD
Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, General Surgery
Louisiana State University School of Medicine, Shreveport,
Orthopaedic Surgery 1995-1999
University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas
Fellowship, shoulder surgery, Dr. Charles A. Rockwood, Jr. 1999-2000
University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky
Leatherman Spine Fellowship Program, Dr. John R. Johnson, 2000-2001



Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 10/01-02/03
Vicksburg, MS, 02/03-03/04
Sacramento, CA 03/04 to Present. Cervical, thoracic and lumbar disorders,
  Non-operative treatment of scoliosis other than adult.  
  Cervical/lumbar translaminar injections, lumbar transforamainal injections.
Volunteer clinical faculty, University of California Davis.
Adelberg Associates Medical Group, Sacramento, CA.
  Workers’ Compensation Evaluations , 2007



W.W. Hastings, Indian Hospital, Tahlequah, Oklahoma, July-October 2006
George Mee Hospital, King City, CA, Thanksgiving 2006
VA Hospital, Sacramento, CA, 1/18/2007 to present



August 1993-April 1995, Research Fellow, Ronald w. Lindsey, M.D.
  Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, Dept of Orthopaedics
August 1993-April 1995, Research Externship, Barbara d. Boyan, Ph.D.
  University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas
  Dept of Orthopaedics
In Situ Hybridization, Department of Anatomy
  West Virginia University School of Medicine
Literature review of In Situ Hybridization and Calcitonin
    Gene related Peptide, Department of Anatomy,
  West Virginia University School of Medicine


E.J. van Liere Memorial Research Competition,
West Virginia University School of Medicine, Third place, May 1991


Sofamor-Danek grant recipient for senior resident/fellow interested in spine, Mid-
America Association Annual Meeting, April 2000

Honoree annual “Ladies in the News” by the Oklahoma Hospitality Club, Oklahoma
City Oklahoma, March 2003


Rockwood, Jr., CA, Wirth, MA and Blair, S: Warning: Pulmonary Embolism Can
Occur After Elective Shoulder Surgery-Report of Two Cases and Survey of the
Members of the American shoulder and Elbow Surgeons. JSES 2003 12:628-30.


Blair SR, Lindsey RW, Mukharjee DP, Shaw C: The role of Cervical Spine
Radiography in Asymptomatic Trauma Patients; A Meta-Analysis of the Literature.
68th Annual Meeting Proceedings, p. 653, 2001.


Blair SR, Mayeux RH, Ogden AL Mukharjee DP, Sadasivan KK, Albright JA:
Glenohumeral Stability of the Shoulder: Role of Labrum, Coracoid, and Acromion.
Transcript of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic research Society,
22:2:882, 1997.


Lecture Series, Methodist Hospital Family Practice Residency Program. 5.10.04-5.22.06.

The Role of Cervical Spine Radiography in Asymptomatic Trauma Patients; A
Meta-Analysis of the Literature. Blair SR, Lindsey RW, Mukharjee DP, Shaw C:
The 68th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons,
Scientific Exhibit 05, San Francisco, Ca. February 28-March 1, 2001.


The Role of Cervical Spine Radiography in Asymptomatic Trauma Patients; A
Meta-Analysis of the Literature. Blair SR, Lindsey RW, Mukharjee DP, Shaw C:
Grand Rounds, The University of Texas health Science Center, San Antonio Texas,
May 22, 2000


Evaluation of Shoulder Pain, Blair SR, Ground Rounds Guest Speaker, Department
of Anesthesiology, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas,
April 6, 2000.



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